Lesbian here. So you do have at least one lesbian listener lol. Love your podcast. i have a smile on my face all the way through them. keep them coming.

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Yes there are definitely quite a few straight women who listen. But don’t begrudge us this pleasure. I know you’re speaking for lesbians first and foremost, and rightly so, but so many women of all sexualities (3) love you and your podcast.

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Totally agree! Straight woman here too, but have felt so much in common with lesbians all my adult life, being a radical feminist from my teen years. Kathleen and Julie are a breath of fresh air, intelligent, and very funny, just conversing and being themselves. A bit of sanity and humor in this often insane and unfunny world!

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I’m just here to make sure you know that young lesbians listen to your podcast and appreciate you too. Not to start some type of a competition, @gay men ;)

By the way, have you ever watched a BBC show called ‘Gentleman Jack’? Would love to hear your opinion!

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Good idea!

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Also ( we should have said) - we are absolutely delighted young lesbians listen to the pod too - thank you.

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This young'ish lesbian listens and loves this podcast! (When does one stop being young?).

I really appreciate just being able to sit in and listen to your conversations. Always insightful, funny and entertaining. ♥️

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You never stop being young. It’s just the exterior that weathers.

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Absolutely love the podcast Kath & Julie. Truly a highlight of the week. The lightbulb replacement was a Christmas treat to remember – although who needs mises en scene when there are two top lezzers to listen to?

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Top tip - I work from home and have learned that the only way to preserve my back and shoulders from laptopitis is by sitting very upright in bed with my back resting against a tall, solid headboard. The added bonus is my dogs can lie next to me and correct my spelling.

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Julie, my wife and I just watched the movie “Merry and Gay” after hearing you mention it. I have nothing to say about it, except: what the bloody hell was that?

PS: thanks to both Julie and Kathleen for all you do, love the podcast.

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Lesbians are listening and we love this show!

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Smiled and laughed all the way through, ladies. Best new thing of 2023!

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OMG I can’t believe you both hated The Hours!!! It’s one of my all time favourites, that’s it I’m not watching anymore 🤣

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Another triumph thank you. It was so funny.

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Another lesbian here who loves this podcast.

I’d like to share this recent 17m talk by an Australian Researcher titled “Lesbian shame in the age of Pride” - and hear your thoughts :)


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Listening in work!

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Ooh! naughty. I'm retired so I'm at my dining room table in north-central US (Minnesota). I love this podcast.

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Abrosexual here (lol) who loves the podcast. Just wanted to point out that Leonard Woolf might be an example of a man who supported his wife's career and was okay with her having affairs with other women. So it is possible maybe? I'd like to see a movie about it in any case!

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aha, yes, of course!

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I'd be surprised if a movie about that hadn't been made yet.

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Me too, but I'm not aware of one.

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To assist your demography, I’m a Late Onset Lesbian (LOL).

I particularly enjoyed The Guardian getting a kicking. Kath Viner is the ultimate Handmaid (the fact she allows her husband access to paper and crayons is all the proof you need) and makes my blood boil. Please disparage her every week - it’s cathartic.

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Yes! Light bulb moment!

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