Can you believe it's nearly been a year? Happy birthday to us 🥳🎂
On November 10th last year, we published our first ever Lesbian Project podcast - which means that it has been nearly ONE WHOLE YEAR of Julie and Kathleen chatting all things lesbian every week, with a fair amount of hilarity and total nonsense thrown in. Can you believe it? We can’t.
We have loved doing it, and we hope you have enjoyed listening to us blether on. We have had some amazing feedback, including in person - thank you so much to all those of you have been so positive, warm and supportive. It’s fabulous to read paid subscribers’ comments under each podcast, and to get the sense of watching a tribe grow - our tribe! We appreciate you all.
To celebrate our birthday, we are now offering 20% off subscriptions until the end of November, so if you are coming up for renewal, grab it. Tell all your friends - and if you’ve been listening only to the free ones so far, you’ve been missing out on 50% of the fun! All of the paid subscriptions go to keeping The Lesbian Project - the serious side of our oufit - going, and we have some exciting announcements on the way about our work there.
Finally, a headsup - for Founding Members, there will be an opportunity to join a zoom hangout with Julie and Kathleen on Tuesday November 19th at 7pm GMT - so save the date! An email invitation will follow.
Happy Autumn, and lots of love and lezzering
Julie and Kathleen xx